Flea Market Seller Listing Sheet
- Print THIS FORM out so you can fill it out ahead of the event.
- Sellers must label each item separately with their name and the item price, AND they must complete their seller listing sheet.
- Listing fee is $.50 per item listed, and can be prepaid or paid out at the end of the market.
- We will have blank seller listing sheets at the door for those who don’t fill them out ahead of time.
- All transactions with CompassCon will be CASH ONLY.
Flea Market
Seller Listing
- Print THIS FORM out so you can fill it out ahead of the event.
- Sellers must label each item separately with their name and the item price, AND they must complete their seller listing sheet.
- Listing fee is $.50 per item listed, and can be prepaid or paid out at the end of the market.
- We will have blank seller listing sheets at the door for those who don’t fill them out ahead of time.
- All transactions with CompassCon will be CASH ONLY.